Notice to Parents and Guardians
Universal Pre-Kindergarten Registration
Deadline to Register – June 3, 2024
All South Lewis Central School District students who turn four (4) years old on or before December 1, 2024 are eligible for Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) in September 2024. The school will provide transportation to and from school for all students and the UPK program will include both morning and afternoon sessions. If you are interested in registering your child for Universal Pre-Kindergarten, please contact the elementary secretary
Beth Schindler at South Lewis Elementary at 315-348-2600.
The registration deadline is June 3, 2024. If we have more students register than the spaces available, a lottery system will then be used to select students. Selection is not based on the order in which students register. If you have specific questions about UPK, you may contact Chris Villiere or Christine Sobel, Elementary Principals, at 315-348-2600.
Kindergarten Registration
All South Lewis Central School District students who turn five (5)
years old on or before December 1, 2024, are eligible to begin Kindergarten in September 2024. Please contact the elementary secretary, Beth Schindler, at 315-348-2600 if you have not already done so, to ensure that your child is registered for Kindergarten. Students currently enrolled in the UPK program do not need to complete paperwork for Kindergarten. If you have specific questions about Kindergarten, you may contact Chris Villiere or Christine Sobel, Elementary Principals, at 315-348-2600.