Humphrey says, “Don’t forget to read chapter 3 of The Pond Hockey Challenge this weekend!
Due to weather conditions South Lewis CSD is on a 2-hr. delay today, Friday, January 10, 2020. There will be no morning UPK.
The Jefferson-Lewis BOCES Early Childhood Education and New Visions Med Programs visited Glenfield Kindergarten classes to teach us about germs and the importance of washing our hands to stay healthy!
The cast of "The Wedding Singer" gets set to put heart and soul into this year's high school musical production. Can't way to see how Robbie Hart (Elijah Lohr) sings his way clear through 80's big-hair and the emotional rollercoaster of romance. Watch for updates here!
South Lewis CSD has canceled all after school activities today - Monday, January 6, 2020.
The middle school is reading Out of My Mind by Sharon M. Draper. We kicked things off with an assembly on Friday and had special guests from UCP. They joined us to teach us about cerebral palsy and we learned a lot! It was also great to have South Lewis alum, Jeremy Earl with us!
Glenfield Character of the Week!
Today in Whitesboro, the JV Volleyball team served up some fun and competition at the annual Whitesboro tournament. Thanks, Coach McCall, for setting high expectations for these young athletes.
I knew in a instant it must be St. Strong Man.
As rapid as a Falcon he flew in his 3-D printed sled and then to the South Lewis community he said, "Minus what? This is nothing! We are stronger than this." He ended this statement with a pump of the fist, and then shouted joyously before drove out of sight,
"Happy holidays to all and to all a good life!"
When what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a colorful Candyland door and eight Freshman Seminar reindeer.
He is Back!!!! CC!! Man returned today to recognize those students selected for “Random Acts of Kindness”. Thank you CC!! Man....Safe Travels!!
Here are a few pictures of our 3rd Graders reading “Catching Santa” to our UPK students.
Grandma’s Attic is in full swing at Glenfield! Thanks to all who have donated items for this event and to our many volunteers! We couldn’t do it without you!!
When back in IT there arose such a clatter as the SL Strong Man investigated the source of the matter. He jumped with joy from his blue 3-D printed sled and pumped his fists in Falcon victory up over his head.
While three enchanted Christmas fairies in the high school counseling quarters encourage all students to B-lieve and are the Biggest elfin supporters.
Today, Wednesday 12/18 South Lewis CSD will be dismissing MS/HS students at 10:30am and Elementary students at 11:00am due to impending weather. There is no PM UPK and the HS concert is rescheduled to tomorrow night.
We had a visit from Santa in Mrs. Maurer’s UPK room and at the Port Leyden Sing-a-Long on Monday. Thank you for stopping by Santa!!
In Mathland, Jana Claus and four math-ievous elves were calculating ways to believe in Christmas magic....including themselves.
Santa stopped by the Glenfield Sing-A-Long today! Students and staff and families joined in on the festivities!
5th Grade Falcon Club members bowling!