Congratulations to Junior and Girls' Varsity Swimmer Amelia Hoffman who broke the record for the backstroke last night. Her time of 1:08:21 proves that swimming is all about good times! Hooray for this little fish!
These third graders researched bat houses and made a few with some help from a volunteer! They’re going to try them at their houses!
Last week, Izabelle Liendecker and Jeter Dorrity were recognized as the Cross Country Teams' seniors. The two of these young people have many great things ahead as they run toward their futures. Congrats to both, on your achievements here at South Lewis.
Our students are always SL Strong, even when they are putt-putting around the gymnasium! "In life, as in golf, it's the follow through that makes the difference." Thanks, Mr. Smykla and Mrs. Gino, for following through!
Grandparent's Day is October 25th. If you haven't already registered, please do so by the end of the day Friday. We're looking forward to a great day!
Gr. 7/8 Activity Night fun!
Glenfield Character of the Week!
Apple bobbing fun at Fall Festival!
“Gizmo” the owl of Westy’s Birds of Prey at the Fall Festival
Archery at the Fall Festival
The Fort Drum Rock Band jamming out at Fall Festival!
Ft. Drum Band setting up at the Fall Festival
Look at the Fall Festival Bake Walk items!
The Fun Run for the Fall Festival is canceled due to the weather. All other activities will go on as planned.
Just a reminder, the Fall Festival will take place tonight from 4:00-7:00 in the MS/HS. Check out our Raffle Basket Table!!
Does air have weight? Ask one of Mrs. Horn’s science students to find out!
Port Leyden Random Acts of Kindness Recipient for Week 4
DONATE YOUR DENIM AND SHARE A LITTLE LOVE That's the message of the SL NHS Blue Jean Drive going on NOW throughout the district. Collected denim will be recycled & used in the manufacturing of insulation for homes in areas impacted by natural disasters. "To make a difference, ... you just have to care."
PTG basket raffle winners from the MS Open House! Thank you to everyone who donated baskets and bought tickets.
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