Another South Lewis FFA outting to Empire Farm Days on August 8th. (The next FFAg-venture takes place at the NY State Fair in Syracuse later this month.) Students pictured here: Courtney Ebersol, Sophia Sabatini, Andrea Dailey, Emily Wright, Emma Marks, Chris Higby, & Brooke Platt.
Miss Humphrey shines light on another FFA Agricultural experience at Oswegatchie “Land of The Dark Waters” Summer Camp. Pictured here: Matt Marks, Mitch and Aubree Domagala, Hewson Burd, Emma Marks, and Emily Wright. And with FFAmazing leader, Miss Humphrey, the two Em...s!
Does FFA stand for "Fantastic! Fabulous! Amazing!"? These FFA students show it all as Sophia Sabatini and Courtney Ebersol show off Holstein Beauties; as Emmalee Marks shows off her foliage knowledge (say that five times fast); and as Aubree Domagala, Miranda Bourgeois, and Chris Higby show off their prize ribbons at the Lewis County Fair.
Falcon Pride at P2B. Thanks to the many student volunteers and to Mr. Martin and Mr. Oaks for coordinating the whole experience.
Racers from Team Lucky Toad and South Lewis volunteers—winners in their own right—make P2B Exchange # 30 one of the finest along the 227 miles of THE ULTIMATE RELAY EXPERIENCE.
The Durgan Family are a part of the original P2B Lucky Toad family. Four years and still running Falcon strong!
It’s a Bernard relay sandwich at the base of Whiteface Mountain. Morgan Seller, 2017 SL grad, receives the handoff from Mr. Bernard at P2B exchange 7 and passes it along to Mrs. Bernard at exchange 8. It’s a good day to run!
This group of runners, comprised of South Lewis grads (recent and not-so-recent) and South Lewis teachers and staff, pose for a team photo for a P2B at the Olympic ski jump in Lake Placid. Go TEAM LUCKY TOAD! May the road be with you.
Runners from all walks of life will be on Adirondack roads and trails as they run from Whiteface Mountain to Utica (220+ miles) this Friday & Saturday. South Lewis is proud to be one of the race's Major Exchanges and will provide breakfast and a rest area for 70+ teams. Drop by Saturday at 6 am to see the action.
Safety first! With a clipboard and the Periodic Table of Elements at the ready, Mrs. Bronson and Miss Bolich take a break from their counseling office duties to help Miss Huntress get organized for the upcoming school year. Oingo! Boingo! That's weird science!
How does Mrs. VanBrocklin, middle school/high school resource teacher, spend summer vacation? She spends it with a baby ROO at the ZOO! Mrs. VanBrocklin is pictured here with her children (on her lap), her sister (holding the kanga baby), and her niece. That's a g'day, Mate!
Day 1 of Challenge Week in the middle school. Mrs. Andre, Mr. Bradish, and Mrs. Whalen provide opportunities for this group of eighth grade students to engage in self-discovery activities and inspire them to DREAM BIG!
Check out the following health and nutrition information provided by our very own Health Teacher, Mrs. Koziarz. To add some color to your diet (and a little exercise, too), visit local Farmers' Markets: Lyons Falls, Tuesdays 12-6; Boonville, Thursdays; & Lowville, Saturdays 8-2.
As the curtain closes on another Superstage performance, the cast and crew gather for words of encouragement and praise from directors Ms. Bradway and Miss Fitzgerald. Many thanks also to stagehands Miss Liddiard, Mrs. Simmons-Brown, and Miss VanHorn. Stellar perfomances by all.
End-of-Summer Awards with the middle school enrichment kids! Congrats to all who were a part of the program. “The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you.” B. B. King
Ice cream is the perfect ending to ... well, anything! Here, however, the middle school summer enrichment program students enjoy this perfect ending courtesy of their instructors:Mrs. Delles, Mrs. Duell, Mrs. Brown, Mr. Oakes, and Dr. Alger (who is once again taking the pics!)
Who is the prevailing wind-er of the summer enrichment group? Looks like these kids are all giants among windmill innovators. What an adventure of learning they have all had this summer.
These middle school students wind up the summer enrichment program with a workshop about the power of wind. Lessons learned: 1) Learning is a BLAST: 2) They are big FANS of summer school. Thank you Dr. Alger, Mrs. Delles, Mrs. Duell, and Mr. Oaks for propelling young minds.
Where there's a wind, there's a way! These summer enrichment students blew through some simple supplies to see who could generate the best windmill. What did these students discover? It's a breeze!
Summer enrichment students create windmills using basic household and craft supplies then compete to see which windmill can stand the test of a blowing fan. These middle schoolers are truly the winds of change.